Saturday, October 25, 2008

TZL will be present at Canzine; Library Closed.

Hi everyone, tomorrow is CANZINE, so the TZL collective won´t be in library tomorrow but we will have a table at Canzine. Come by and check it out.

Sunday, October 26th, 2008
The Gladstone Hotel
1214 Queen West
(just east of Dufferin)
1:00-7:00 pm

Friday, October 10, 2008

new zines for October 5, 2008 / library closed

A/O Volume 1 Anonymous
Cometbus #51 Aaron Cometbus
The Nine Volume 2, Issue 1 Various
The Nine Volume 2, Issue 2 Various
The Nine Volume 2, Issue 3 Various
The Nine Volume 2, Issue 4 Various
Watch the Closing Doors Anonymous
Where Have All the Placentas Gone? Brescia Birdthroat Bloodbeard
You (Green Postcard) Luke You
You (Kraft/Yellow Stripe) Luke You

Also, please note that while the Tranzac will not be closed for thanksgiving this Sunday, the zine library volunteers will not be present.